VOX Cambridge50

VOX’s latest release packs 50W of NuTube power, 11 amp models, 8 effects, and 12″ Celestion speaker.


This new amp seems to be challenging the Katana series for honours in the modeling-practice amps category.


Depending on pricing, it’ll be interesting to see if this one can mount a serious challenge to BOSS’ Katana amps.

*photo from VOX


  1. Vox is being rather shy with their nutube things. They should do one great amp that’s all nutube, regular tubes on the power stage since nutubes can’t handle power yet, and just plow through the skepticism until the sound starts speaking by itself.

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  2. Well, I guess they have different products for different buyers. This one should be for home practice and smaller gigs. The rate they’re churning out new lines new amps is astonishingly fast though. 🙂

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  3. That’s partially why I’m surprised. If they were trying to keep a minimalist lineup I’d get it, but since they keep launching stuff all the time, they might as well try to do at least one NuTube thing that is not extremely budget-oriented.

    Of course, that’s not me putting money on the line, but they did experiment at some point (there was a video on Anderton’s way back when the thing became known) and the amp they showed was amazing.


  4. Hey Juan, amazing insights from you. The rate the churn out new things got me very muddled, and I have more-or-less mixed up some of the model lines. I guess the very up-to-date buyers would know all the differences.

    For me, I’m just happy with my simple Roland Cube for home use.:) In fact, it’s mainly acoustic guitars for me.

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